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オーストラリア連邦首相 スコット・モリソン

It is my great pleasure to wish staff and readers of Nichigo Press a wonderful New Year, and peace, health and happiness for the year ahead.

The New Year is the beginning of a season of renewal, a time to contemplate the past and share in hopes for the future.

For me, the New Year is also a chance to give thanks for the great fortune I’ve had this year to work with the Australian Japanese community, and to welcome His Excellency Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, to our shores.

It was a great honour and privilege to reaffirm Australia and Japan’s strong and enduring friendship during the visit, and to further strengthen our Special Strategic Partnership.

The Japanese community is a vital part of the Australian community, and I pay tribute to your efforts in nurturing the deep bond between our people over many years.

With these thoughts in mind, it is with great pleasure that I wish the Australian-Japanese community a happy New Year and all the very best for 2019.

The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia

オーストラリア連邦移民・市民権・多文化問題大臣 デービッド・コールマン


I wish readers of Nichigo Press a wonderful, safe and prosperous New Year.

As we start the New Year, we are provided with the opportunity to reflect on our many achievements and to look back on what has been a remarkable year.

Australia is stronger and more prosperous as a nation because of our multicultural heritage. We value people based on the contribution they make – irrespective of background, religion, or ethnicity – and who embrace our national values and laws.

Throughout 2019 we will continue to build on our success as an immigration nation by showcasing and enhancing the benefits of migration.

I look forward as Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs to building even closer relationships with the Japanese community and strengthening the bond between our two nations.

The Australian community has many reasons to celebrate the rich and vibrant relationship we share with Japan and I thank the staff and readers of Nichigo Press for your contribution to furthering community and business links between our two nation.

With these thoughts in mind, I once again wish the Japanese Australian community a happy New Year and all the best for a successful 2019.

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