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「カンニング」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Kanningu?

(文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: Hmmm, カンニング (kanningu)…. It doesn’t sound very Japanese.

You: Well, you’re quite right, because it’s not a ‘genuine’ Japanese word.

Aussie: Oh, well let me see, I’m guessing it’s a not her one of those 和製英語 (wasei-eigo, meaning ‘Japanese-made English’) terms, then?

You: Wow, you’re getting good at picking the 和製英語!

Aussie: Haha thanks, but I’m still clueless as to what the actual word

You: カンニング is actually the word ‘cunning’, originally.

Aussie: Huh wow, never would’ve picked that!

You: Having said that, the word ‘cunning’ has slightly changed in meaning, and in Japanese, カンニング means ‘cheating’ in tests/exams.

Aussie: That’s so interesting. So, it doesn’t mean to be sly anymorebut rather, the act itself!

You: That’s correct . カンニング can refer to using a cheat sheet (called カンニング・ペーパー(kanningu pēpā) [paper], often abbreviated to カンペ), looking at other people’s answers, or obtaining information related to the tests/exams prior to taking it.

Aussie: I mean, the last one you mentioned just then. That definitely would be quite cunning!

You: Yeah, I know right. But it does happen. If I remember correctly, there was an incident last year when a few high school students gained access to entrance exam answers via the internet, to get into the university they wanted to go to.

Aussie: You go to all that trouble to steal answers when really, you should just be channeling that determination to properly studying!

You: I can certainly agree with you on that one.




genuine 生粋/真正の
is/are getting good at ~ing ~するのが上手になってきている
clueless as to ~ ~についてはチンプンカンプン
never would have picked  絶対に分からなかった
‘cheating’ in tests/exams テストや試験で不正行為をする
not mean to be sly anymore もはやずるいという意味はない
but rather~ というよりむしろ~
related to ~ ~についての
I mean, the last one you mentioned just then 今、最後に言ったそれだけど
gain access to ~ ~を手に入れる/~に入り込む
go to all that trouble to ~ 苦労してまで~する
channeling~ to・・・ ~を…に向ける/切り替える


“Having said that,”という表現は、「~とは言ったものの」という意味で、自分で言ったことに対して、何かを付け加えたい時に使われる。

【例1】”I’ve studied Japanese for almost 5 years; having said that, I’m far from fluent!” 「日本語は5年ほど勉強したけど、流暢と言うには程遠い!」

【例2】” I love cats. Having said that, I am allergic to them.”「私は猫が大好き。とは言ったものの、猫アレルギーなの」

【例3】”Everything is 50% off the normal price. Having said that, some exclusions will apply.” 「全品半額セールです。とは申し上げたものの、一部割引対象外の品もございます」

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