宝酒造グループのNIPPON FOOD SUPPLIESでは、ブリスベン支店のカスタマーサービスチームのフルタイムスタッフを募集しています。
日本食食材やアジアの食文化にご興味があり、関連業界での経験をお持ちの方を歓迎します。詳細については、下記募集要項をご参照ください。ご応募の際は、下記の宛先まで履歴書をお送りください。 面接にお呼びする方のみにご連絡させて頂きますので、ご了承ください。
E-mail: jun.park@nipponfoodsupplies.com (日・英可)
Nippon Food Supplies is a Multilingual wholesale and food importing business, we are looking for a motivated and customer-focused Team Member to join our expanding team based in the South of Brisbane.
We have grown to be one of the leading industry suppliers in Queensland. We pride ourselves in providing the largest range of products available to the market, including outstanding customer service.
You may start working as a casual position, and then you will be promoted as a full-time staff after you finish the provisional period, and mutually agreed.
【Job Type】 Full Time
【Key Responsibilities】
・Employee discount
・Maternity leave
・Parental leave
【Schedule】 06:00~14:06 (8 hour Shift) Mon-Fri
・Previous office administration roll experience
・Effective communicator
・Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to build and manage ongoing relationships
・Intermediate Excel, Word skills
・Excellent attention to detail and strong time management skills
・Bilingual (English and Chinese/Korean/Japanese) advantage but NOT essential
【VISA】Australian citizenship or Permanent residency
【Location】Coopers Plains QLD(4108)