2024年5月発行の「jSnow vol.5」表紙において、一部に誤りがございました。深くお詫び申し上げますとともに、以下の通り訂正させていただきます。
誤:Fair Field by Mariotto
正:Fairfield by MARRIOTT
日豪プレス 「jSnow」編集部一同
Notice Regarding Misprint on the Cover of “jSnow vol.5”
In the May 2024 issue of “jSnow vol.5,” there was an error on the cover. We sincerely apologise and would like to correct it as follows:
Incorrect: Fair Field by Mariotto
Correct: Fairfield by MARRIOTT
The online version has been corrected to reflect the accurate information. We appreciate your continued support of “jSnow” and our publications.
The jSnow Editorial Team, Nichigo Press
jSnow issue 5 Digital Edition