「アマビエ」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is amabie?

文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター、協力:池田澪奈


Aussie: “アマビエ” (amabie)? I’ve never heard of that before. I’m assuming it’s a character of some sort, if she is wanting to collect its グッズ (guzzu) [“goods”, as in merchandise].

You: I guess you could call it a character, but it’s certainly not a new one; in fact, it’s quite an old figure, because アマビエ is a yōkai.

Aussie: Oh, they’re the super natural monsters and apparitions in Japanese legends and folklore, yeah?

You: That’s right. アマビエ is one of them, and it resembles a scaly mermaid / merman with long hair, a bird-beak like mouth and… three legs (tail-fins)! It’s said to emerge from the sea to prophesy both an abundant harvest and an epidemic, and instructs people who witness it to make copies of its image, to defend against illnesses.

Aussie: Ah, I see. That’s pretty unique.

You: Recently, アマビエ became an unlikely symbol of unity in Japan in the face of COVID-19, as social media users began to circulate various images of アマビエ, including their own drawings, sculptures, felt art, cosplay photos and more. Even the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare got involved with the newfound アマビエ trend, with the agency adopting it as a mascot for the Ministry’s public safety campaign during the pandemic.

Aussie: That’s great!

You: As it gained more and more attention, the creature was featured on many different types of merchandise, including craft beer, snacks, accessories, amulets and apparel. There are countless designs, owing to the fact that there is no single correct way to depict the アマビエ, since it’s a mythical creature.

Aussie: I’ll have to check these out, now I really want one!

You: Although it’s a fictional character, spreading its image has helped to bring joy and togetherness, in a time when people are trying to stay positive and connected to others.

Aussie: That’s the great thing about social media. Although it has its fair share of naysayers, I think that during this pandemic, it has been a great tool for people to stay in touch with one another.




character of some sort 何らかのキャラクター
apparition 妖怪/幽霊/亡霊
legend and folklore 伝説や民間伝承
scaly mermaid 鱗に覆われた人魚
prophesy 予言する
symbol of unity 団結の象徴
in the face of ~ ~に直面した
felt art フェルト生地の作品
public safety campaign 公共の安全キャンペーン
craft beer 地ビール/クラフト・ビール
amulet お守り/魔除け
owing to ~ ~によって
mythical 架空の/想像上の/ 伝説上の
check ~ out ~を調べる/~を探す
fictional character 作り事/作り話のキャラクター
in a time when ~ ~の時に/~に際して
stay positive  前向きな気持ちを保つ
naysayer 反対者/否定者/拒否者


“That’s great!” の “great” は、「普通でない/大変な/非常な」という意味の言葉だが、この表現は、相手の言ったことに対して「それは素晴らしい/すごい」と応じたい時に使われる。

【例1】】“The lockdown’s been lifted, so we can go to the pub again.” “That’s great! How about we go tonight?”
「自宅待機命令が解除されたから、またパブに行けるぞ」「やった! 早速、今晩、どう?」

【例2】“I’m starting a new job from next week!” “That’s great news! What kind of role is it?”

【例3】“Did you hear that Jane and Tom got engaged?” “No, I hadn’t, but that’s great to hear! I wonder when their wedding will be.”

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