「ガシャポン」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !



Japanese Culture


文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター

What is gashapon?


Aussie: I’m sure I’ve heard this word before, but I can’t recall it for the life of me…

You: It’s a pretty specific word, so it wouldn’t really come up in daily conversations. ガシャポン (gashapon) – also called ガチャポン(gachapon) – are a type of vending machine-dispensed capsule toy. The term ガシャポン / ガチャポン is onomatopoeic, combining the two sounds “ガシャ” (gasha) / “ガチャ” (gacha) for the hand-cranking action on the lever to dispense the capsules, and “ポン” (pon) for the toy landing in the collection tray, and it refers to both the machine itself and the capsule toy.

Aussie: Ah yes, those! They were EVERYWHERE in Japan when I was there last. I found it fascinating how there were so many different series. I remember back in my days, you could pretty much only get a bouncy ball or a bit of slime, haha.

You: Yes, it’s certainly come a long way since those things, haha. But I also think that the toys back then were geared only towards children, whereas the types of ガシャポン / ガチャポン that are recently experiencing a resurgence in popularity in Japan, targets the adult population.

Aussie: Oh, how so?

You: Well, firstly you have ガシャポン / ガチャポン that cost a lot more. The standard ガシャポン / ガチャポン usually only cost a dollar or two, but there are $5 and even $10 ones on the market now.

Aussie: That’s… quite a lot to be spending on an item which will come out at random!

You: Yes, so only adults have that type of disposable income. Secondly, these ‘high value’ ガシャポン / ガチャポン contain items beyond what one would consider to be a toy – with products such as high-quality miniature figurines, scale model cars and trains, useful and playful office desk supplies, to name a few.

Aussie: But… what if you don’t get the one you wanted, since it’s a ‘blind purchase’?

You: I guess that’s the thrill of it – some people find the chance element to be amusing, while others can find it to be frustrating.

Aussie: Frugal me will probably just stick to the cheap ones for now!




for the life of ~ どうしても(…ない)       
come up 出て来る/話題になる
onomatopoeic 擬音語
hand-cranking 手でレバー/ハンドルをひねる
dispense 出す
bouncy ball スーパーボール
slime スライム
come a l ong way かなり変わった
geared towards ~ ~向けの/~を対象とした
resurgence 再流行/復活
at random 成り行き任せで/無作為に
disposable income 自由に使えるお金/可処分所得
figurine フィギュア
scale model car and train ミニチュア・カー/列車
office desk supply 事務用品
blind purchase 運任せの出費
amusing 楽しみ
frustrating イライラの元
frugal me 金欠の自分は


“to name a few” という表現は、文字通りは「いくつかの例を挙げると」という意味で、2、3の具体的な例を~示したい時に、通常、文末に使われる。

“There are many benefits to riding a bike; you save on car fuel, it keeps you active, and you reduce polluting the earth, to name a few.” “I agree.”

“I have a big gum tree in my front yard and it attracts cockatoos, galahs, magpies, and currawongs, to name a few.” “Wow, do you have any photos?”

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