「テレワーク」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !



Japanese Culture


文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター

What is terewāku?


Aussie: I’m going to take a stab at what “テレワーク” (terewāku) is – is it ‘telework’, as in, working remotely?

You: Yes, that’s right. テレワーク or “リモート・ワーク” (rimōtowāku) are the Japanese terms used to describe working-from-home arrangements. The terms also cover other types of flexible and mobile work where employees do not commute to a central place of work, such as an office building or physical store.

Aussie: A lot of people have moved to the テレワーク platform since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

You: Yes, and experts say that although there are certainly many pros to テレワーク, there are also cons, which employees and employers alike must be mindful of.

Aussie: What are some of the pros and cons?

You: Well, let’s start with the positives. For employees, テレワーク could certainly benefit their work / life balance, as it enables people to take care of young/elderly members of their family in the house, as well as allowing them more time to take care of their own mental & physical wellbeing. For employers, the reduction in cost to bills such as electricity and water would be substantial, as workers are not on-site.

Aussie: I mean so far, it’s a win-win for both parties.

You: Then there are the negatives. For employees, the very thing I said just before about work / life balance might not be so straightforward for some, as it could be difficult to draw the line between the two (especially if you have very young children). This in turn would affect the employer, as the employer may not get the same amount of work (both in terms of quality and quantity) from you, compared to when you were on-site.

Aussie: Hmm, true.

You: For the foreseeable future though, テレワーク is looking to be the way in which many of us will continue to work.

Aussie: And, who knows? Some companies and businesses might like to keep テレワーク going, even after the world regains some sense of normalcy again.

You: I wouldn’t be surprised if that were to happen.


 「テレワーク」という言葉自体は、英語の “telework” を転用した言葉だが、英語の “telework” は “tele(離れた所)” と“work(働く)” という意味から幾つかの異なる勤務形態を指すのに対して、日本語の「テレワーク」は、主に「在宅勤務」を指す言葉だと教えてあげよう。また、出先から携帯電話を利用して仕事をするモバイル・ワーク、通常の職場ではない所で仕事をするリモート・ワーク、職場以外の所で自分で勤務時間帯を設定し、勤務時間はきちんと守るフレキシブル・ワークプレイスといったような言葉も使われている、と補足しておこう。また、テレワークで働く人をテレワーカーと呼ぶということも付け加えておこう。対話文にもあるように、テレワークには賛否両論があるが、地球規模でのパンデミックが収束したとしても、テレワークという勤務形態は継続するという見通しも添えて……。


take a stab at ~ 試してみる/試みる
commute 通勤する
platform 形態
pro(s) 賛成論/賛成理由
con(s) 反対論/反対理由
alike 同様に/等しく
mindful 心に留めて忘れない  
positive(s) 良い点/良いこと
wellbeing 健全さ
bill(s) 請求書/明細書
substantial かなりの/相当な
negative(s) 良くない点/良くないこと
straightforward 容易な/簡単な
in turn 逆に/そうなると
on-site 職場
foreseeable 予知できる/予測できる
regain 取り戻す/回復する
normalcy 常態/正常であること


“Who knows?” という表現は、文字通りは「誰が知っているだろうか」という意味だが、「誰にも分からないだろう/誰にも予測できまい」と言いたい時に使われる。

“I hear electric cars are still very expensive.” “ Yeah, but who knows? They might become more affordable in the near future.”

“I’m afraid that the number one seed will win easily.” “Do you reckon? But who knows? This up-and-coming young player may topple them.”
「残念だが第1シード選手が簡単に勝つだろうね」「そう思う? この勢いに乗っている若い選手が番狂わせを演じるかもしれないよ」

“Who knows? We might be able to go to Mars during our lifetime.”

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