「フリーター」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is furītā?

(文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussieフリーター(furītā)? I don’t think I’ve ever come across this word before.

YouThis one’s an interesting one. フリーター is a 和製英語 (wasei-eigo, meaning ‘Japanese-made English’) term which combines the English word “freelance”, and the German word “arbeiter” [meaning ‘labourer’].

AussieOh, so フリーター is like ‘freelancing worker’?

YouYes, but more specifically, it usually describes underemployed (young) adults who opt to work odd jobs instead of engaging in full-time permanent employment.

AussieWhy would they prefer that? I mean, full-time work gives you job security, you get a steady income, etc…

YouFor various reasons. Maybe they want to avoid the stressful Japanese work environment and prefer more free time on their hands, or maybe they have a lifestyle that isn’t compatible with a standard Japanese career. I don’ tthink it’s necessarily always a bad choice, if that’s what they want . Except…


YouLike most countries, working on a casual basis doesn’t get you many (or any) health or retirement benefits. Also, being a フリーター means that you lack the benefits of union memberships, which can protect you from unlawful employment conditions / firing. Both of these problems obviously affect the individuals themselves, but there is also an impact on society down the line, too.

AussieI see. Is the government doing something about it?

YouA number of schemes have been introduced over the years to try and encourage more young adults to seek permanent employment, but I think there’s yet to be a significant improvement.




come across ~ ~に(偶然)出くわす
combine X and Y XとYを一緒にする
underemployed 非正規雇用の
opt to ~ ~することを選ぶ
odd jobs 片手間仕事/臨時雇い
prefer ~ ~の方を好む/優先する
on one’s hands 自分で自由に使える
not compatible with ~ ~と相いれない
on a c asual basis 臨時の/不特定の身分で
health or retirement benefits 健康保険や退職金
lack the benefits of ~ ~の恩恵を受けられない
down the line 巡り巡って/結局は
do something about it 何か対策を施す/対処する
there’s yet to be ~ ~は見られない/見込めない


“if that’s what (someone) wants” という表現は、「もし(誰か)が望むなら」という意味を伝えたい時の表現で、「そう思う人がいても良いんじゃない?」と言いたい時に使われる。

【例1】“I’m surprised to hear that he joined the Judo Club.” “ Well, if that’s what he wants, why not ? ”

【例2】“They say they are going to get married soon, but they won’t have a wedding ceremony and reception.” “I don’t think it’s a bad idea, if that’s what they want.”

【例3】“If that’s what you want, then so be it.” “Fine.”「そうしたいなら、勝手にして」「ああ、そうさせてもらうよ」

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