「3つの密」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is mittsu no mitsu?

(文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


AussieI heard it being repeatedly mentioned in a recent news segment) regarding the coronavirus, but what does it mean?

YouAh, yes. The slogan “3つの密を避けましょう” (mittsu no mitsu o sakemashō) is aiming to raise awareness for people to ‘please avoid 3 types of density environments’, which has also been abbreviated to the shorter “3つの密” (mittsu no mitsu).

AussieWhat are the 3 types of density environments?

YouFirstly, there is “換気の悪い《密閉》空間” (kanki no warui mippei kūkan), which points to ‘dense spaces with bad ventilation’. Nightclubs and concert halls would be an example of this. Secondly, there is “多数が集まる《密集》場所” (tasū ga atsumaru misshū basho), meaning ‘dense locations where people congregate’. This would include festivals and theme parks. Lastly, there is “間近で会話や発声をする《密接》場面” (majika de kaiwa ya hassei o suru missetsu bamen). This one is slightly longer, but it roughly translates to ‘close proximity situations where you talk or use your voice’. These situations can occur in cafés, restaurants or at parties.

Aussie I see, I see. So, this is basically the new guideline for social distancing in Japan, at the moment?

YouThat’s correct. This was an official government initiative that was put into place to further deter potential community transmissions.

AussieHow has the 3つの密 initiative gone far?

YouI would like to think that the majority of people are abiding by these new rules, but in a country that already has so many high-density environments, it’s very difficult to say what the outcome will be like. Still, each and every one of us has a vital role to play, so I will be sticking by the 3つの密 rules.

AussieMe too.


「3つの密」は、今、世界中で猖獗(しょうけつ)を極めている「新型コロナウイルス」の集団発生防止対策の1つとして、1人ひとりが注意することによって、最小限に抑えていこうというキャンペーンの標語「3つの密を避けましょう」に使われている言葉だと教えてあげよう。この言葉は、3月28日に首相官邸(Prime Minister’s Office)と厚生労働省(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)が公式に発表し、ポスターも作って、インターネットによる拡散を図っていると付け加えておこう。「3つの密」の意味は、対話文で説明されているので繰り返さない代わりに、「みっつ」と「みつ」という似たような発音の言葉を並べることによって、「洒落(pun/play on words)」の効果も狙っている、と補足しておこう。


segment 番組      
aim to ~ 〜を狙う/〜を得ようとする                      
raise awareness 意識を高める 
density environments 「密」が集まる環境   
abbreviated 省略された/簡略形の
social distancing 人混みを避ける/社会的距離を置く 
initiative 発案/首唱 
put into place 採用される/使われる 
deter 抑止する/防ぐ 
community transmissions 集団感染
abide by ~ 〜を守る/〜を遵守する/〜に従う
each and every one of (us) (我々)1人ひとり
stick by ~ 〜に誠実な/〜を忠実に守る


“has a (vital) role to play” という表現は、「(重要な)役割を果たす」という意味の表現で、「〜のために何らかの役に立つ」という気持ちを表したい時に使われる。

【例1】 “I heard you had an important role to play behind the scenes in this successful project.” “No, far from it. It’s everyone’s joint effort.” 「この企画の影の功労者は君なんだってね」「いやいや、とんでもない。皆のおかげさ」

【例2】 “I feel useless that I can’t help with those medical staff who have been working around the clock.” “Well, I’m sure each and every one of us has a small yet vital role to play by sticking to the social distancing rules.” 「昼夜を問わず働いている医療関係者に何もしてあげられず、歯痒いんだ」「いや、我々1人ひとりが人混みを避けるという基本的かつ重要な決まりを守ればいいんだ」

【例3】 “When the Hanshin-Awaji Great Earthquake hit the Kansai area, a large number of volunteers went there to help.” “Yeah, they certainly had a significant role to play for the recovery and reconstruction of the area.” 「阪神淡路大震災の時、多くのボランティアが救援に駆けつけたね」「うん、あの地域の復興と再生に重要な役割を果たしたと思う」

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