What is Gengō?
(池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)
Aussie: I’ve also heard that it’s changing soon?
You: Yes, that’s right. 元号 (gengō) refers to the name of an imperial era, which does not change and remains the same for the entire duration of each Emperor’s reign. While the Western way of numbering years (e.g. 1989, 2019) is commonly used in Japan today, this parallel system is also frequently used, especially on official documents.
Aussie: Wow, I never knew that Japan had this alternate system to count the years. What year are we in now, using this other method?
You: We are in the 平成 (Heisei) era, the 30th year of it, actually. It can be written as 平成30年 (Heisei 30 nen), with the ‘年’ symbol on the end meaning ‘year’. It is also commonly abbreviated to H30.
Aussie: Ah, so this year’s a bit of a milestone. This would mean that 30 years ago, there was some sort of change of Emperor?
You: Yes, that’s correct. The current Heisei era began in 1989, when the then-Crown-Prince Akihito became the new Emperor, upon the death of his father, Hirohito [the previous 昭和 (Shōwa) era Emperor].
Aussie: I see. But… I thought the current Emperor Akihito is still alive?
You: He certainly is. However, he has indicated his wish to abdicate this year, meaning that in 2019, a new imperial era will begin. The current-Crown-Prince Naruhito will succeed his father, and when that happens, a new 元号 will also be revealed.
Aussie: This sounds like a BIG event for the country next year!
You: It definitely will be. I’m already feeling the term ‘the end of an era’ on a daily basis, what with a ll the multimedia articles and programs looking back on the past three decades.
imperial era 天皇在位期間
reign 在位
while~ ~の一方(で)
parallel system 並列呼称
alternate system 代替呼称
abbreviated 簡略化される
milestone 記念すべき(年)
abdicate 退位する/譲位する
revealed 発表される
definitely 疑いなく/間違いなく
the end of an era ある時代の終わり
look back on~ ~について顧みる
the past three decades 過去30年
“what with~”の表現は同類のものを並べ上げる時に使われ、「~たり、……たり」や「~やら、……やらで」と説明したい時に使われる。
【例1】“December is always busy for everyone, what with buying gifts and presents for Christmas and with preparations for the New Year.”「12月はクリスマス用の贈り物を買ったり、正月の準備などで、誰にとっても忙しい」
【例2】“It’s remarkable how young athletes manage different tasks simultaneously, what with school work, training for their sport and maintaining their social life.”「若いスポーツ選手が、学業やら、トレーニングやら、交友関係の維持やらを見事に同時にこなせることは、すばらしいことだ」
【例3】“What with the recent dry weather and scorching temperatures, the garden has really taken a hit.”「連日の乾いた天候やら猛暑日やらが、庭をダメにしてしまった」