「バズる」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Bazuru?

(池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: バズ (Bazu)? Asin, Buzz Lightyear (from Toy Story)?

You: Haha, not quite! Although, interestingly enough, the バズ of バズる (bazuru) actually DOES come from the word ‘buzz’, but not via the movie character’s name.

Aussie: Oh, then what is it from?

You: It comes from the term ‘buzz marketing’, a viral marketing technique that focuses on word-of-mouth potential for a particular product or campaign. This, in turn, became バズる; to gain an immense amount of attention / popularity through social media and the internet (online ‘word-of-mouth’), whether that be for a post, picture or video.

Aussie: Oh, I see, so they grabbed the ‘buzz’ part that depicts that something is ‘a buzz’, and made it into their own 和製英語 (wasei eigo) [“Japanese-made English word”].

You: Yes, since there wasn’t really a word in existence already which described this phenomenon of ‘being viral on social media and the internet’. Like I just said, in English, there’s the term “viral”, but that term is still strictly medical in our language.

Aussie: It makes sense though, because the word gives off the sense of people crowding around and they’re all ‘a buzz’ about whatever this thing in front of them is – in a figurative sense, since the post, picture or video is in front of them via their phone, tablet or computer screens.

You: Yes, like that news of a town’s newly elected mayor being a dog. That’s バズっている (bazutteiru) right now.

Aussie: Oh, I saw that! The video was so cute.

You: Oh, there was a video? I only read the article. You’ll have to link me the video!

Aussie: …And I guess this is exactly how it came to be バズっている!




not quite ちょっと違う
via~ ~から/~に由来する
buzz marketing 口コミ・マーケティング
viral marketing technique 拡散を誘導するマーケティング手法
word-of-mouth 口コミ
in turn 順繰りに
immense 途方もない
grab 借用する
depict 描写する/写し出す
still strictly medical まだ厳密に医学用語
in a figurative sense 例えて言えば
it came to be 好例だ


“whether that be ~”という表現は、その後に来る言葉が「何であれ」「どんなことでも」といった意味で使われる。

【例1】“Scott likes all types of music, whether that be pop, folk, classical or even heavy metal.”「スコットはポップ、フォーク、クラシックそしてヘビメタまで、音楽なら何でも好きだそうだ」

【例2】“Cats like small spaces – whether that be behind the couch, under the bed or even in a box that is almost too small for them.”「猫はソファーの後ろやベッドの下、小さすぎると思われる箱の中など狭いスペースを好む」

【例3】“My mother doesn’t find the latest technologies terribly useful, whether that be a smart phone, tablet or laptop.”「母はスマートフォンだろうが、タブレットだろうが、ノート・パソコンだろうが、最新のIT製品が便利だとは思っていない」

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