「炎上」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Enjō?

(池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: The word 炎上 (enjō) – doesn’t this mean ‘to go up in f lames’?

You: Yes, that’s right. Although the word used to only refer to actual fires, these days, it’s more commonly used to describe a situation on the internet, where there has been a post on a blog, Twitter account or Facebook page etc. which basically ‘comes under fire’ for its offensive / inappropriate content.

Aussie: Ah! So, I guess it’d be equivalent to the English term “backlash”?

You: Yes, like when the giant clothing chain H&M faced intense backlash for their ‘racist’ hoodies last year.

Aussie: Oh yes, that certainly had everyone talking.

You: So basically, there’s no real fire, but the raging torrent of comments and criticism that surrounds the original post (whether that be a comment, photo or video) gets likened to a fire growing in its intensity.

Aussie: That makes a lot of sense, and I think the word actually captures the phenomenon quite well.

You: There’re also other terms related to 炎上, such as 燃料 (nenryō), 鎮火 (chinka) and 祭り (matsuri). 燃料 originally means ‘fuel’, but in this case, it refers to the original poster ‘adding fuel to the fire’ by not apologising and / or continuing to stand by their original post, thereby making the situation worse.

Aussie: Ah, yes, Trump’s quite good at that, haha.

You: Haha, so true. We also have the word 鎮火, which originally means ‘extinguished’. So, in this case, it refers to the situation when it has finally died down. But sometimes, the whole thing turns into a 祭り, or a ‘festival’, where there’s no immediate ceasefire in sight, due to the issue becoming uncontrollably viral.




come under fire 集中砲火を浴びる
offensive / inappropriate content 不快感を与える/不適切な内容
backlash 反発/反動
racist hoodies 人種差別的な衣服(の広告)
raging torrent 怒りに燃えた迸り
get likened to~ ~に例えられる
intensity 激しさ/強烈さ
capture 捉える
adding fuel to the fire 火に油を注ぐ
stand by 自説を曲げない
thereby それによって
ceasefire in sight  収束が見えてくる
uncontrollably viral 抑え切れないほどの拡散


“have everyone talking”という表現は、文字通り「皆に話させる」という意味だが、会話の中では「皆が(ある話題について)話す」という意味で使われる。

【例1】“In Japan, the announcement of the new era name had everyone talking.”「日本では、新しい年号の発表を、皆が話題にしている」

【例2】“The announcement of the election day by the Prime Minister had everyone talking about it.”「首相による投票日の発表によって、皆がその話題について話している」

【例3】“The new hybrid vehicle by Toyota will definitely have everyone talking about its new features.”「トヨタによる新しいハイブリッド車は、必ずその斬新な特徴が皆の注目の的になるだろう」

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