「よろしくお願いします」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu?

(文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: I thought that よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegai-shimasu) was only used when you first introduce yourself to someone, but I’ve already met this person who sent me this email?

You: Ah, yes. Well, you’re not wrong that it’s a phrase which gets used as a greeting. When it’s used as a greeting, the meaning is similar to “nice to meet you” – as you know – and you would use it when you meet someone for the first time. However, this phrase is also quite situational, and there are other times you can use よろしくお願いします. For example, it can be written at the end of a business email like in your case, to roughly mean “we will be in contact from now, so hopefully future interactions can be good”.

Aussie: Oh! Well that’s suddenly a little bit longer in meaning. Although, I can see how the same phrase would still apply, as you are essentially saying the above within ‘nice to meet you’, as well.

You: That’s right. You can also opt for the more polite 敬語 (keigo) form and say よろしくお願いいたします (yoroshiku onega i-itashi-masu), or even further, よろしくお願い申し上げます (yoroshiku onegai-mooshi-agemasu), too.

Aussie: You said there are other times this phrase can be used; do you have one other example, so that I could maybe get my head around it?

You: Sure. よろしくお願いします can also be used by the teacher / students, say, before a lesson is about to begin. This context gives the phrase another dimension in meaning, and that is encouragement (‘let’s work hard together’) and gratitude (‘thank you for your valuable time’).
By experiencing more of these situations, the more you’ll be able to come to understand the feelings behind them.




situational 場合/状況によって違う
be in contact 連絡し合う
interaction(s) 交流/交信
essentially 基本的には/本質的には
opt for 選ぶ/使う
get my head around it よりよく理解する/感覚がつかめる
is about to ~ もう少しで~する(ところ)
dimension 面/局面 
encouragement 励まし/激励 
gratitude 感謝の気持ち
behind them (= situations) 状況の裏にある/隠されている


“you are not wrong”という表現は、文字通りは「(あなたは)間違っていない」という意味だが、会話では、軽い気持ちで「そうそう/その通り/そういうことだ」と肯定する時に使われる。

【例1】”Trump and Morrison seem to have struck a chord.” “Yep, you’re not wrong. They say they’re ‘in a titanium relationship’.”

【例2】”Did I say something wrong?” “Well, you’re not wrong, but I guess you could have worded it a bit differently.”

【例3】”The Rugby World Cup in Japan has been beyond expectation.” “You’re not wrong, I think it has set a new standard.”

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