Japanese Calligraphy by Ren
Bite-sized Japanese – Arigato

Japanese words expressing gratitude. Atypical example of this is “arigato,” which isusually used as a translation of “thank you” or the Chinese term, “xie xie.”
The word arigato comes from the adjective“arigatashi,” which means “seldom to be.” Theterm has become a common expression of gratitude for extraordinary miracles performed by gods and Buddha.
In the Kansai region, mainly in Kyoto and Osaka, the word “ookini” is also used. Ookini means “great effort” with the original phrase being “ookini-arigato.” This was shortened simply to ookini.
Additionally, “sumimasen,” which can be translated into English as “I am sorry” or “excuse me,” can also be used as a word of thanks in some cases. In the context of “apologising for the detriment of the other person caused by the benefit you gain,” this is a prime example of Japanese social culture where one cares more for the other person than for oneself. The same is true of “katajike-nai,” a word used by samurai in period dramas to express gratitude, which is a fundamental idea that all classes in Japanese society had.
With this in mind, have you ever heard of the theory that the word arigato comes from the Portuguese word “obrigado”? This is because the pronunciation of obrigado is similar to that of arigato. There are many Japanese words of Portuguese origin, such as “pan” (bread), “bisket” (biscuit) and “tabaco” (tobacco). This theory is merely a joke since arigato was used before the 16th century (when the Portuguese language was introduced). However, it is quite interesting to look at the history of the relationship between Japan and Europe through such stories.

Ren Yano
An international Japanese calligrapher. Involved in the making of the Hollywood film, The Wolverine, and also wrote for the Australian Olympic and Paralympic teams.
Web: renclub.net / Email: renclub@gmail.com / YouTube: youtube.com/user/renclub