「マンネリ」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Man-neri?

(池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: マンネリ(man-neri)? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before.

You: I don’t blame you – it’s a pretty odd word. It actually originally came from the English word “mannerism”.

Aussie: Alright. But then… How is his daily life becoming… Mannered??

You: Well, the meaning of it changed a bit when it was imported into the Japanese language. Originally, the meaning of mannerism was ‘to have a habitual gesture or behaviour’ (as with our current word usage), but this transposed to ‘being stuck in a habitual cycle’ or ‘being stuck in a repetitive routine’. So, your co-worker was saying that he is feeling that his daily life has become the same every day.

Aussie: Ah, I see. So, you’re essentially ‘stuck in a rut’.

You: That’d be the perfect translation for it. マンネリ is most commonly used by people who want to describe their jobs as having become humdrum, or by people who want to complain that their long-term relationship has gone stale or become love-less.

Aussie: I now understand the connections to the original meaning of the word, in that the repetitive nature of anything would eventually lead to boredom.

You: Yes. There’s also another word which is quite similar to マンネリ, and that is ワンパターン(wan patān). This word is a 和製英語(wasei eigo) [“Japanese-made English word”], which combines the words ‘one’ and ‘pattern’. As the sourced words imply, ワンパターン refers to something that is unchanging and cliché – usually with a negative connotation too, if I might add.

Aussie: I see, I see. Better make sure I remember these two separately now that you’ve taught me both at the same time, so I don’t accidentally say ワンネリ or マンパターン!

You: Hahaha!




pretty かなり
habitual gesture or behaviour 習慣的な動作や行動
transpose 置き換える/転換する
being stuck はまって/落ち込んでしまう
stuck in a rut 型にはまる/型から抜け出せない
humdrum 平凡な/月並みな/単調な
go stale 新鮮味/興味をなくす
boredom 退屈
sourced word 元々の言葉
cliché 陳腐な決まり文句/常套語句
negative connotation 否定的な(言外の)意味/含蓄
if I might add 付け加えておくと
accidentally うっかりして


I don’t blame you.”という表現は、文字通りでは「君を責めない/とがめない」という意味だが「君は悪くない/君のせいではない」という意味で使われる。

【例1】“I missed the bus, even though I was there five minutes before it was supposed to arrive.” “I don’t blame you. Some bus drivers are pretty mean.”
「バスの運行時刻の5 分前に停留所にいたのに、バスを逃してしまった」「君が怒るのも無理はない。意地悪な運転手もいるからね」

【例2】“I couldn’t get my assignment done last night, because there was a loud party nearby all night long.” “I could hear it, too. I don’t blame you.”

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