As harbingers of the arrival of spring, little golden flowers begin to bloom all at once. They make us feel the coming of the lively season.
The golden wattle, known as mimosa acacia in Japan, is the national flower of Australia. It appears on bank notes, stamps, and on the Australian coat of arms along with the emus and the kangaroo. The contrast between the silvery-white and deep green colors of the leaves and the vividly colored flowers with their soft texture is breathtakingly beautiful. I found something akin to a Japanese tradition of celebrating the coming of spring by cherishing the cherry blossoms in full bloom.
You do not have to go deep into the bush to catch sight of the golden wattleas it blooms within everyone’s reach. Unfortunately, the golden wattle, once cut, is not good at drawing up water and fades in a day or so. While the flowers are a little dry, the leaves stay fresh. As its branches have gentle natural curves, I recommend you to make the best use of the soft curves by spreading out the branches in both ways as if the land were holding you with its arms, so that you feel its gentleness every time you appreciate the arrangement.

In the arrangement on the left photo, its shape is intentionally asymmetrical to the left and the right sides. This is to make the variation of intensity of the leaves and flowers to look more vibrant. Small branches called “komi” are set inside the vase to divide the mouth of the container into four sections and to prevent the main branch from rotating in the vase. The golden wattle, making a focal point at the mouth of the vase and extending its branches wide, looks like Australia itself. The picture on the right has a Sydney golden wattle. Its shape resembles a thin brush. There are over 700 different types of wattles in Australia. A variety of golden wattles in full bloom is a charming sight in spring.
Let’s mimic the magnificence of nature through Ikebana, in your home, and you will feel excited about the flowers blooming one after another in the coming season. Spring is just around the corner.

Tada Reishu
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