「やっつけ仕事」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Yattsuke-Shigoto?

(池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: I can understand the 仕事 (shigoto) part of the word; it means “work”, right?

You: Yes, that’s correct. The word やっつけ (yattsuke) in front of 仕事 refers to something that is rushed or is sloppy.

Aussie: Ah, ok. So やっつけ仕事 would mean to do a slipshod job?

You: Exactly. There are different ‘types’ of やっつけ仕事, too. The first type is when there is literally not enough time to produce material of a high quality, so the content becomes ‘sub-par’.

Aussie: I could see this being the case for students’ assignments, if they’ve left it until the last minute!

You: Oh, yes. My friend is a teacher, and they always tell me that they can definitely tell which ones are やっつけ仕事. The second type is when there may be ample time to complete the task, but the person is unmotivated or Uninterested in doing their best, so the product becomes second-rate.

Aussie: That’s not very good.

You: No, it’s not. Japanese workplaces have a strict standard on quality so they would not tolerate やっつけ仕事, but the problem is, the workers are usually strained for time AND unmotivated, due to the sheer amount of work that is piled onto them…

Aussie: …Leading to inadvertent やっつけ仕事.

You: That’s right. It’s something many Japanese workplaces need to think about going into the future, as it directly relates to increasing employee productivity and happiness.

Aussie: Definitely. Especially employee happiness, because I think that’s something Japan has seriously fallen behind in.

You: I couldn’t agree with you more.




rushed 焦って/性急に/軽率に
sloppy だらしない/しまりのない
slipshod いい加減な/杜撰な
sub-par 標準以下の/最善ではない
until the last minute ぎりぎり最後まで
unmotivated やる気が起きない
Uninterested 興味が沸かない/無頓着な 
second-rate 二流の/凡庸な 
tolerate 許す/大目に見る 
strain 追われる/圧迫を感じる
sheer 純然たる
inadvertent  意図しない
fall behind in 立ち後れている


“I can’t/couldn’t agree with you more.” この表現は文字通り「もうこれ以上同意できない」という意味だが、会話では「全く同感」という意味。

【例1】“It’s getting cold, day by day, in Canberra.” “My word, I couldn’t agree with you more.” 「キャンベラは日に日に寒くなって来たね」「全く同感だよ」

【例2】“Why do the politicians become friendly just before the election? ” “I couldn’t agree with you more, I wonder why, too.” 「政治家は、どうして選挙が近づくと親しげに話して来るんだろう」「本当にそうだな。何でだろうね」

【例3】“They completely overhauled the bus timetables and it caused me such a headache.” “I can’t agree with you more. It’s so inconvenient for me now.” 「バスの時刻表が大幅に変わり、頭が痛いよ」「全くその通り。不便になって困っているんだ」

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