「にわかファン」をオージーに英語で説明してみよう !


What is Niwakafan?

(文:池田俊一 オーストラリア国立大学アジア・太平洋カレッジ日本センター 協力:池田澪奈)


Aussie: I’m probably guessing that the “ファン” (fan) part of the word means ‘fan’, the English equivalent, but what does the first part “にわか” (niwaka) mean?

You: Good question. にわか (niwaka) is a slightly slang term which describes someone who has just started something; so in this case, it would be their fandom.

Aussie: Ah, OK.

You: It originally comes from the adverb “にわかに” (niwaka ni), which means ‘suddenly’ or ‘immediately’. So, a にわかファン (niwaka fan) of rugby would be someone who has just started to become passionate about rugby.

Aussie: Oh, we have a similar term in English called a bandwagon fan. They’re the ones who’ve never shown any past loyalty to a team / sport, but as soon as their “favourites” are doing well, they act like they’ve been there since Day 1, haha.

You: That’s very similar. Up until quite recently, the term にわかファン has also been used more-or-less to criticise pretentious ‘newbies’ who act like they know a lot about the subject. However, during the recent Rugby World Cup, many Japanese supporters openly claimed their にわかファン status, noting that they admit they’d never even had a remote interest in watching rugby before – but now, they’re completely hooked.

Aussie: I must say, the number of supporters at each game looked incredible, and I remember the commentators always remarking that the local turnouts for the games were very high.

You: Which again, would have been fuelled by these にわかファン. But I think that these full stadiums and increased widespread attention to the tournament was a big contributing factor to such a massively successful event.

Aussie: I completely agree with you there. I can’t wait for the Tokyo Olympics 2020, as I’m sure Japan can and will go above and beyond.




equivalent (英語で)~に当たるもの
fandom ファンであること
passionate 夢中になる/熱狂する
bandwagon 便乗
loyalty 忠誠を示すこと
criticise pretentious newbies もったいぶった新入りを批判する
claim 主張する/言い張る 
hooked のめり込んだ 
remark ~のことに触れる/言及する 
turnout 入場者
fuelled by ~ ~に加勢されて
massively 大規模に


“Which again,” という表現は、相手の言ったことを引き継いで、「そうそう」と同意・肯定した後、そのことについては別のことも言えると自分の意見を付け加える時に使われる。

【例1】“Federer beat Djokovic last night, didn’t he?” “Which again, proves that he is still one of the best players at the age of 38!”

【例2】“The extreme weather just keeps on coming, doesn’t it?” “Which again, really does make me think about the climate change issue.”

【例3】“90’s fashion is back, apparently.” “Which again goes to show that trends revive constantly.”

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