Japanaroo 2022開催、日豪政府要人からのメッセージ


 日本の文化や魅力を発信する日系団体が一体となって行う「 Japanaroo2022」開催に伴いニュー・サウス・ウェールズ州首相・ドミニク・ペロテ氏、在オーストラリア日本国大使・山上信吾氏、在シドニー日本国総領事・紀谷昌彦氏の3人がメッセージを寄せた。

Dominic Perrottet

Premier of New South Wales







 参加者の皆様がJapanaroo 2022を楽しんでいただけることを願い、そして関係者の皆様の御健勝をお祈りいたします。

I am delighted that Japanaroo has returned to Sydney for another year in its full glory, giving NSW an opportunity to celebrate Japanese culture and Australia’s deep friendship with Japan. 

NSW and Japan are long-standing partners with substantial cooperation in many areas and I can think of no better way to celebrate our partnership than with Japanaroo. This terrific festival brings Japan and its rich culture right to our doorstep. 

In July, I had the privilege of travelling to Tokyo and Hiroshima for my first overseas visit as Premier of NSW. The visit was wonderful to further strengthen our state’s solid investment and travel ties with Japan, and I thank all involved for their warm and generous hospitality. 

With international borders now open, I look forward to future cooperation and I’m particularly excited to welcome Japanese visitors back to enjoy everything NSW has to offer. 

I thank the Embassy of Japan to Australia and the Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney for bringing this event to life. On the same note, I send a heartfelt thank you to our Japanese community in NSW for your valued contribution to our state’s success. 

I hope all participants enjoy Japanaroo 2022 and I wish all the best to everyone involved.


Ambassador of Japan to Australia




 私も拝見したA Festive Season Concertでは,日本の伝統芸能パフォーマンスとアボリジニ文化がコラボレーション。日豪の伝統文化が競い,融合して新たな魅力を生み出す様に,タウンホールを埋め尽くした観衆も酔いしれていました。







After the success of last year’s event, I am delighted that Japanaroo will be held for a second time, and that I have the opportunity to share this message.  

The series of online events held last year between August and October which made up Japanaroo, in addition to Japanaroo+ held in-person in December, demonstrated a never-before-seen gathering together of the Japanese community here in Australia.

At ‘A Festive Season Concert’, which I was lucky enough to attend, I witnessed the blending together of Japanese traditional performing arts and Australian Indigenous culture. The audience which filled Town Hall were enchanted at the sight of Japanese and Australian cultures competing and uniting, ultimately giving birth to something entirely new and fascinating. 

Furthermore, when I attended North Chatswood’s long-running annual Matsuri Japan Festival – which joined as part of the inaugural Japanaroo – in the bright sunshine and over-30-degree heat, I felt as though I had been suddenly transported to a traditional Japanese summer festival. 

One thing I should note is that all this was possible through the hard work of the Japanese community in Australia. Putting on an event of this calibre and magnitude without calling over any performers from Japan demonstrated to me the competence of our community members as well as the abundance of incredible talents among them, leaving a deep impression on me. 

What is more, this initiative has received enormous assistance from Australian supporters of Japan –including artist Ken Done – who have played an important role in the execution of Japanaroo. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.  

Last year’s Japanaroo was valuable in realising connections between people – for myself as well as others. 

There is no greater pleasure than to meet such a number of people through Japanaroo, and then to deepen ties with them after the events have concluded. Several performers even gladly agreed to come to Canberra to perform. It is my belief that this kind of networking brings forth a wide variety of ideas and fosters the further development of our community.

It is my great hope that this year’s Japanaroo will be even more successful than last year, and will become an annual event encompassing not only Sydney but the whole of Australia. 

KIYA Masahiko

Consul-General of Japan in Sydney









It is my great pleasure that Japanaroo will take place again this year after its successful inaugurationn last year.

The vision of “Japanaroo” is developing. It aims to promote exchange and collaboration between Japan and Australia across culture, food, tourism, education, career development, sports, and technology and innovation.

“Japanaroo” aspires to be an “interface” connecting established and emerging ideas and activities. It will act as an “enabler” to provide opportunities for synergy across multiple sectors, leveraging the strengths of both Australia and Japan. “Japanaroo” will build on Australia’s multiculturalism and innovation, while drawing on Japan’s globalisation and regional connectivity.

“Japanaroo” is more than just a showcase of Japanese culture. It is a “Japan-Australia Exchange and Collaboration Festival” through which event organisers and participants develop organic networks with a sustainable impact for their futures.

This year again, we have many on-site and online events organised by Japanese and Australian organisations and companies collectively like a “potluck party”. These event organisers share the same aspirations, wishing to come on board to be part of this initative.

I am hopeful that the friendship and ties between Japan and Australia will deepen further through “Japanaroo” for years to come, for the benefit of Japan, Australia, and the world.

Let’s enjoy “Japanaroo”!

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